my home sweet home ~ i m back ~
终于归家了 好累
回家的感觉 踏进门 仿佛进入新家似的
可能这几天 都归宿在不同地方的关系
这个新年 大家愉快吗?我 ~ ok啦
跟以往一样 回家乡
这一天是一家大小团聚 共聚一堂 的日子 场面挺温馨的
还有的就是 接财神咯~ 虽然很好玩 可是 当婆婆烧起那些(不知什么纸啦)
满屋烟 我的眼睛被这些烟蒙蔽了啦 搞得我很快就睡了zzZ
``年初一` `情人节``
12 时 我脑海全是他 意想不到的是 我与他 也能联络彼此
年初一的烟花 真美 第一次 近距离观看烟花 发现到它如此的美
在婆婆那里 有我们的存在 他们就没有一天安宁 赫赫 =)
扑克牌时间~我 输了~_~
算啦 大家一起 开心就好
这一天 我们都睡得日上三竿 吃午饭 还要长辈们催
真没面子 〉《 这一天 总算 人齐了
婆婆家 塞满人 真热闹!
吃~吃~吃 唉 新年后 要减肥了〉《
这一天 又有烟花 不知不觉 情不自禁 的 许了愿
我真傻 竟然不是为自己与家人许的 而是祝福他快乐
我真的疯了 miss u until crazy le...
晚上 出发到姑姑家去 一路上
与姑姑细说面子书 哈哈 很好谈
准备明早的行李 因我们 到槟城去咯
嘻嘻 长那么大 第一次去
4.30 醒了
爹地妈咪 迟早八早 就从婆婆那来这了
等厕所 早知道 睡迟些Zzz
in the car (miss u so)
me and cousin
sunlight too bright
要过对面咯~on the ferry
almost reach...
the first destination
snake temple
snake -- scary
过后 当然去极乐寺
虽然踩着高跟鞋 也不成我爬上顶楼的障碍 赫赫 =]
penang very hot beh tahan le
the kelok temple
and many photo la,too large to upload lazy wait ... zzz
then , dunno what time we gotta back home le...
here the 槟威大桥
wakaka the hello kitty = =
the next day
出发到金马伦高原 在那逗留了3天2夜
金马伦真是空气清新 真凉快
我们两天没联络彼此了 他们有说有笑
表面上 我没事 心里如何 只有自己知道 i miss you so
It was really f_n without u
hehe,on the way to Cameron highlands
in the car
cute erh?
finally reach there...really cold there
感冒了,就只有我一人在那 死命打喷嚏
一面打喷嚏 一面打 直到睡着···
the second day
enjoys my breakfast first ,kaka ... they prepared breakfast
i sat at there only ...wohoo~
get ready for the next destination
in the room there
who' s the leg?block my face
hehe , isn't he's cute?my new cousin --乐乐
hang hang and lok lok ,so cute =]
really mood less ,cuz without u by my side two days didnt contact u le...
every second u stored in my brain . deeply . cant deleted
and while the time passed by ...a second , a minute ,an hour...
i beh tahan le and I toke my phone ...
wanna send u a message and wanna ask how r u this few days
but 3 message already there ... is that our heart consonance ? not simply say ,sometimes i wish that ur message will appear ,then i grab my phone , it was really appear !
i think i crazy le...
since we contact each other , my mood good a bit le...everything nice viewed by me
hehe, that night was a good night ... i slept le...
next day =)
the last day been there =( after checked out ,then we say bye to the resort
my mun bought flower,cactus blah blah blah~
and i waited with little cousins in the car
hehe my little funny cousins
haiz~thinks of u again...non stop
reach the 茶山 ....
姨丈and hang hang , at the tea shop =)
and the time to say goodbye to Cameron
my dad =p
keke =)
woo~bye bye Cameron highlands
一切打回原形 归家了
do you know ?
it was really f_n without `u`...
I wish that U can appear front of me all the time...
and yesterday night u said somethings to me ...
it wasn't funny =(
and thanks xiao huey for the care ....
sometimes really hope that a short message that typed `how r u ` is u...
I really love u...
新年快乐 ? 堆积如山的课业 等着我完成 Zzz
小白,晓荟 相信你们是快乐的啦
and you , you happy?