love me love me.
say that U love me;
fool me fool me.
pretend that you love me.
I'm release now,no stress no pressure.
due to pmr ended,I sleep till the moment I want to get up.x)
sound like many things to do.
No matter what,wishing my holiday fulfill with meaningful task.
Not the nonsense matters,like today sleep till 11.30a.m. ==
I yell my feeling out to U bestie already.
anything we can share,and I apologize to my attitude be4.
oh yeah , many things to do with buddy after PMR.
we um...haha.weird things.
and what shabu-shabu,shogun,starbucks,full house bla bla bla
shot de,I dont hv so much money.
owe tehui N vie 2 cup of starbucks tim .
So,any part time?actually I can help my aunt at her shop
if she desire to hire somebody.but,dun wan la.
or just ask my mum for the money.easier :p
something I am curious mum treat me so nice recently.
maybe I told her tat the pmr is so damn easy n maybe can score 7A?
so she act like that .?
haiz.I think maximum 6A only.dang my bc and bm!
sometimes miracle happens one.I hope so.
gosh.I m wondering about my form 4 subject.
aiyo,headache la.
U hv jerk me around for a year,am sick of it.
leave me leave me leave me alone.
都是自己 我要寻找自己。