
A rainy day .

seems like I get rids of the net world. I am back however ;)
firstly facebook , of course . just throughly view and logged out .

I got my eyes on something.

wow it's exactly what I predict . what I think , is happened on the next day.
but , I felt sorry for you .  hope you 're fine there .

I think it's the telepathic between us . 

在一个又一个的转角处 我在寻找着你 
有一天 你在我后方 忽然拍打我的肩膀 
把我给认出来 说 好久不见 

a month no see.

rainfall on the window , and got the blowing wind against my face ,
suddenly it's cold , har chiew-ing like hell , and I got a running nose . 

friday to go . 7 days left before our pmr result come out .
nervous it's? but useless la , not worthy to scare . 

my friends around start their form 4 tuition . 
oh man I do nothing for my form 4 life . 
but I think I can handle although I start my tuition at Jan. ;)

everything  except maths .x)

wish u getting well soon.
